Ruiping elementary school Field Visit | SHANTU Archive

On September 29th, the team visited Ruiping elementary school (新北市林口區瑞平國民小學) in New Taipei city, to observe the school gardens. It is a small school located next to the seashore. Although it is a small school, they make good use of the school grounds; a greenhouse on the compound is used for the production of vegetables for school lunches. Once a week they can harvest here and the greenhouse is actively maintained to grow seasonal vegetables to provide for lunch. Moreover, there are 6 constructed beds that are used to grow different kinds of fruits and vegetables. These gardens are actively maintained by students and are used for many different classes, from science to art classes. The school has created many different types of fertilizers. For example, they get the coffee grind for free from local coffee shops, this type of fertilizer will neutralize the PH value of the soil. Also, they use fish intestines from local fish markets, mixed with fungi as a fertilizer; this will increase the level of nitrogen in the soils. The experimental rooftop garden is used in classes focused on how to solve problems in the process, such as issues with pollination. There are many collaborations; with the local incinerator, the local community, agricultural association and environmental protection agency, to provide the children with materials and teach values about nutrition and environmental protection.

The school says these gardens are not focused to teach about farming, but to teach children about their natural environment, sustainability and get a feeling with nature and environmental protection. They have many plans for these gardens, and are happy to share ideas for future collaboration with Malawi!