Field visit 2 Xinzhuang Elementary School | SHANTU Archive

Today’s visit was all about learning how to grow one of Taiwan’s indigenous vegetables; sweet potato leaves. They have been introduced in Taiwan a long time ago and have become a very popular staple foodThis vegetable is easy to grow and is full of nutrients and vitamins; they are an excellent source of antioxidants and contain high levels of vitamin A and C. When preparing the vines of sweet potato plant, you can trim leaves from the lower portion of the slip, but you need to leave at least 2 leaves on the stem for photosynthesis. You can put these vines directly in the soil, make sure the leaves have to face upwards. This vegetable would be a great addition for school gardens in Malawi, since they can grow in many climate zones and soil types. With this project we want to convey our knowledge for implementation of other school gardens, based on lessons we learned today at Xinzhuang Elementary school in Taiwan.