Day 38 |  Saying goodbye to Chiputula Primary School | SHANTU Archive

Today was our last day at Chiputula Primary School. In the morning and early afternoon we administered the nutrition post-assessments and gave our syllabi and supplies to the teachers. After we collected all the tests we met with the head teacher, faculty, school management chairperson, community leaders, and head of the PTA (parent teacher association) for a wrapup meeting. We exchanged our views and future plans for collaboration, and were given snacks, drinks, and thank you gifts in the traditional Malawi way. The gifts (purses) were handed from the headmaster to the community leaders and then to us. The teachers sang traditional Malawi songs while we received the gifts. We also prepared certificates of participation for the teachers and learners who were involved in the school garden before checking on the garden in person for the last time. The vegetables were growing nicely and many had gotten quite big since we’d last seen them. 

After we saw the garden and took some pictures, we went to say goodbye to the students (Standard 5-7). All the students were seated outside facing the chairs we sat in. The head teacher gave a speech on the importance of education. The community leader also spoke to the students but in Tumbuka so we couldn’t understand, but the students seemed to enjoy it as he got quite a few laughs from them. Professor Sally Chen also spoke to the children before we said our thanks in pairs and bid farewell to the students. After the speeches, the students gave us high fives and hugs as we said our good-byes. 


  • nutrition post-assessments in Chiputula Primary School.

All the photos were taken by SHANTU (Verbal consent was obtained before taking the pictures)