Day 21-22 | Weekend trip to Manchewe | SHANTU Archive

We stayed our weekend away from Mzuzu and had a relaxing time in a small village in Manchewe. Our hostel was located on the edge of a cliff overlooking Lake Malawi, and the view was stunning!

All of us hiked around the Manchewe waterfall on Saturday for three hours through the Manchewe community, a cave, and continued going down to the bottom of the waterfall. Our guide explained the Manchewe waterfall is the highest waterfall in Malawi. After having a great exercise, we had delicious coconut vegetable curry for dinner, enjoyed a music performance by a local band, and played mahjong! The music played by the band was a combination of traditional and modern Malawian music created by the members. We enjoyed the performance and dancing with the band members! We also played mahjong using the mahjong card. Some of us played mahjong for the first time, and we also taught mahjong and played with our new friend we met at the hostel.

Dancing along with Malawian music

We got up at 5:30 am to catch the sunrise over Lake Malawi! The color of the sky changed every second, and the view was worth the early wake-up! Each of us decided to join different activities on the Sunday morning like a cliffside hot bath, massage, wood carving, and chombe plateau hike. We had a refreshing time, made new friends, and are ready to get back to work for preparing nutrition classes and start teaching in the coming week.      


  • Weekend stay in Manchewe
  • Manchewe waterfall hike 
  • Cultural exchange night with Malawian music and mahjong

All the photos were taken by SHANTU (Verbal consent was obtained before taking the pictures)