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About us

SHANTU(全球衛生的在地參與)是 2020 年至 2022 年的台灣教育部大學社會責任(USR)計畫。 SHANTU 是國立台灣大學、屏東基督教醫院和路加國際組織(LIN)馬拉威辦事處長達二十年合作的成果,並促成了非政府組織「全球永續發展促進協會」(GRASP )的建立。

透過 SHANTU,台大師生與路加國際組織馬拉威辦事處和屏東基督教醫院合作,在台灣和馬拉威推廣全球衛生教育和在地照護。該計畫旨在透過改善現有公共衛生狀況和生活方式的實踐活動,擴大學生的全球視野,提高他們的全球衛生實踐能力。由於新冠肺炎 (COVID-19) 疫情,學生在計畫第一年無法前往馬拉維。因此,2021 年計畫活動調整為:



三、促進社區和學校營養和 WASH(水、環境衛生和個人衛生)

2022年,一群台大師生前往馬拉威姆祖祖市,參加 Chiputula 小學的營養教育和 WASH 推廣活動、在地公共衛生活動以及馬拉威全國小兒麻痺疫苗接種活動。另一個小組則是在台灣於新北市新莊小學舉辦雙語全球衛生夏令營。兩所學校透過視訊會議建立了聯繫,從那時起,學生們透過 SHANTU 的平台成為了筆友。

SHANTU 的其他工作包括由台大和姆祖祖大學主辦的公共衛生量性與質性研究方法的線上研討會。所有這些活動皆保存於 GRASP 網站。

SHANTU (Sustainable Healthy Actions by National Taiwan University) was a university social responsibility (USR) project funded by Taiwan’s Ministry of Education from 2020 to 2022. The principal investigator of SHANTU was Prof. Chang-Chuan Chan, a distinguished professor at the Global Health Program, College of Public Health, National Taiwan University (NTU). SHANTU was the result of a 20-year partnership between NTU, Pingtung Christian Hospital, and Luke International (LIN) Malawi Office, and sparked the idea of establishing the non-government organization, Global Resilient Actions for Sustainable Development Promotion (GRASP).

Through SHANTU, NTU faculty and students collaborated with the LIN Malawi Office and Pingtung Christian Hospital to promote global health education and local care in both Taiwan and Malawi. The project aimed to expand students’ global perspectives and enhance their global health practice abilities through hands-on activities designed to improve existing public health criteria and lifestyle. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, students were unable to travel to Malawi in the project’s first year. Consequently, in 2021, project activities were revised to:

  1. Assisting pandemic prevention and control in northern Malawi
  2. Cultivating global health and health promotion professionals from Taiwan and Malawi
  3. Promoting community and school nutrition and WASH (water, sanitation, and hygiene)

In 2022, a group of NTU faculty and students traveled to Mzuzu City, Malawi to participate in nutrition and WASH promotion at Chiputula Primary School, local public health activities, and Malawi’s National Polio Vaccination Campaign. Another group worked in Taiwan to promote global health capacity building through bilingual summer camps at Xinzhuang Elementary School in New Taipei City. The two schools were virtually connected through a video conference session, and since then, students have became pen pals through interaction facilitated by SHANTU.

Other works by SHANTU include virtual symposiums on quantitative and qualitative methods in public health hosted by NTU and Mzuzu University. All of these activities are archived in the GRASP website.

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