COVID-19 Emergency response shipment | SHANTU Archive

On Wednesday November 24th students from SHANTU’s COVID-19 response team came together to prepare a shipment for our local partners in Malawi. Over the course of this year the students have been helping out with supporting Malawian health officials regarding data visualization and accessibility, and during their online meetings it became evident that more help was needed.

Together with the project management and our local partners in Malawi, a plan was developed to ship children’s facemasks and soap to communities most in need. During the meetings, it was emphasized how hard the educational sector and thereby children were hurt by the pandemic and it’s restrictive measures. While schools have opened up again, new variants and waves of infections still entail an eminent threat to children in Malawi as lock down are never far away.

The team has worked hard in collaboration with Taiwanese manufacturers to make a shipment that would help children in Malawi the most. On November 25th, the shipment was ready and together the students loaded the shipment on a truck, ready for transport to Malawi. We hope to hear soon from our partners in Malawi, to evaluate the success of these actions.